This spring, like many of you, I had some downtime and took the opportunity to create my new website and plan for my new blog!  My goal is to keep it fun, local, easy-to-read and full of tips on how to succeed in the PEI real estate market. If you ever have any comments or topic suggestions please let me know!

To begin, there’s no doubt that summer on PEI looks a bit different this year, but I hope you’re hanging in there!

It’s crazy to think that before the pandemic, we were expecting over 200,000 cruise ships visitors into the port in Charlottetown, anxiously anticipating the line-up for Cavendish Beach Music Festival and making plans to reunite with friends and families. Then in the blink of an eye, it all turned upside down and we were left scrambling, worried, about things to come, not just in our own lives but in the real estate.

For me, it took a bit of self-reflection and a change in my perspective to transition to our new normal.  Not a day goes by that I don’t remind myself how lucky we are to live on PEI, for our essential workers, the leadership from our Chief Public Health Office, and how we’ve been kept out of harm’s way.  The kindness, patience, and compassion I’ve seen from fellow Islanders has been extraordinary.  I knew it before but this has been a good reminder that we live in the best place on earth!

In terms of real estate, I’m making every effort to keep things safe for my clients. Many of you are first-time home buyers which is nerve-wracking already, so I want to keep your health and safety as my number one! I am setting up virtual 3d tours, providing masks and sanitizer, and following social distancing rules for your peace of mind.  

I’ve also been busy delivering Provincial Realty Summer Fun Packages (including a sand bucket for the beach, a SLOW DOWN sign to warn drivers to slow down in your neighbourhood…and most fun of all… a curated list of MUST-DO PEI attractions) across the Island.  I have been having buckets of fun meeting all of you! 

Since my children “volunteered” to help me deliver these packages, I’ve experienced another unexpected silver lining to the pandemic. Spending extra time with them, with less distractions than normal, have reminded me of how fortunate I am to see them grow as smart, responsible and generous young adults who are eager to change the world.

The Paparoni’s are  having fun exploring the Island and meeting new Islanders as part of Provincial Realty’s summer Fun Package Giveaway. 

As we’ve been making our deliveries, I am hearing from lots of prospective buyers who want to put down roots on our idyllic Island. Despite the challenge of low inventory right now, I don’t see this trend slowing down anytime soon! The time to buy is now!

I did want to take the time to remind you that even though PEI has started to-open, there a still a lot of Islanders struggling and who could use our help. So please join me on checking in on your neighbours, helping babysit, or just any act of random kindness that will help a fellow Islander. Please support as many local vendors, artisans, restaurants, attractions, and stores as you can this summer. Supporting local is more important than ever! 

Stay tuned to my blog for next month where I’ll be providing another update on how the pandemic has affected PEI’s real estate market and my top tips for first-time home buyers, including what I wish I knew when we had bought our fist home! 

Yours in Real Estate,
